Mental Health, Resilience and Stress Management Workshops

FREE ‘Mechanics of Menopause in the Workplace’ Webinar

Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 10.00 am. (40 minutes + 20 minutes for Q&A).

You can’t have failed to notice the subject of menopause popping up everywhere.

Over the last few years more and more businesses have recognised the significant impact that menopause can have on their people and the subsequent impact on the business.
With an estimated 10-20% of women leaving the workplace each year due to menopause related issues, it’s no wonder businesses that value their people are keen to do whatever is necessary to retain and nurture that talent.

But how do you know where to start?

Join me, Joy White, for a FREE training specifically for Line Managers, HR Managers, CEO’s, and Business owners who want to discover more about how they can help and support their staff on how to proactively manage menopause in the workplace.
You’ll get an insight into the business case for supporting menopause at work as well as ideas for simple measures you can take at a business level to ensure you don’t fall behind your competitors when it comes to attracting and retaining valuable female talent.

The Mechanics
Understand what Menopause is and the ‘mechanics’ of what’s going on as people transition through this life stage.

The Strategy
Find out what ‘best practice’ looks like and how you can create a menopause support strategy within your organisation.

Signposting to further help and resources to enable you to take the next step towards making your organisation a menopause friendly one.

Book now by clicking on the following link to register your place on the Webinar.